CZECH Employer agency s.r.o.
Verified employment agency
Temporary Help, Try and Hire services that are beneficial wherever a flexible workforce is
Permanent Placement is assistance in finding new permanent employees.
Outstaffing allows you to integrate your chosen candidate into the agency administration.
Outplacement is a modern tool to address difficult situations such as downsizing.
ASM Testing
A 4-round recruitment system that ensures the ideal employee according to your needs
Low turnover
of agency employees is one of the priorities as well as extra value that we offer
Quick termination
of a temporary employee means the elimination of paperwork and the multiple costs associated with it
Implementation teams
including consultants and coordinators, pride themselves on their absolute commitment and preparation to deliver the contract
Since 2011 we have placed over 5000 agency workers.
We have passed 100% of all czech government inspections.
Our great work is covered by the Generali insurance
company up to 400 000 EUR.
Since 2011 we have placed over 5000 agency workers.
We have passed 100% of all czech government inspections.
Our great work is covered by the Generali insurance
company up to 400 000 EUR.
Map of operations
Current operations
- Czech Republic
- Romania
- Bulgaria
2023 expansion
- Poland
- Ukraine
Recruitment resources
- Czech Republic
- Poland
- Ukraine
- Romania
- Bulgaria
- India